Skill Enhancement through Hypnotherapy
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
~ John Ruskin ~
Research shows that skill rehearsal through hypnosis can be highly effective at improving physical and mental abilities, with the caveat of course, that you, as a performer, have the basics of the skill down. Success is based on your genuine desire for improvement, the repetition of skills, plus full "sensory imaging." Hypnosis has immense value in mental training and sharpening your performance skills. It may also be used effectively in any life situation, such as:
Public speaking
Music performance
Dance performance
Social interactions
Sports performance
Practicing new habits
Studying for an exam
Practicing meditation
Accessing sleep
Dream recall.
Hypnotic skill rehearsal will also enhance your focus and concentration so that you learn more rapidly, hone your abilities, and become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You will also learn to screen out internal or external distractions, and to give yourself specific and positive suggestions about performing your activity successfully.
In working with a hypnotherapist, you will become acquainted with your full range of sensory awareness. Creating and recognizing a rich sensory internal experience is a vital part of the trance work. All of your senses will become heightened. For example, if you mentally rehearse jogging, you will feel your body moving through space and experience the breeze on your face.. You might hear the sounds of traffic, birds singing, notice the weather, time of day, the smell of the air and the contact of your feet on the ground. You could experience specific elements of the scenery in motion as you move rhythmically through space. You will then bring these actual and vivid physiological responses into your performance in the outer world.
During this process, you might well discover that you are engaging in negative self-talk which undermines your performance goals. This is useful information and will be part of the deeper work. Becoming aware of the negative input you are giving yourself of which you may not even be conscious is essential. Through hypnotherapy, you will learn to notice, identify, challenge and replace these negative comments with positive suggestions. If you have doubts, hidden or otherwise, about succeeding, it is important to acknowledge and address these doubts. Using EFT can also be very useful as each of these doubts are uncovered and addressed. (For information on EFT, see the EFT and TAT page).
Deep emotions are more basic to change than conscious willing. Will without emotional support is like an engine without fuel, and berating oneself over a "lack of willpower" is a road to continued failure.
Self-hypnosis is an excellent process to learn in terms of practicing your skill on a regular basis. Most (if not all) of us are already hypnotized in various ways, often to our detriment. We all actually have more choice than we think about which trance states we live in. When we allow negative suggestions to play a part—and sometimes a large part—in our mental rehearsals, this blocks our growth. In addition, at times, the positive suggestions we have created may not be as rich or vivid as they could be, and therefore do not have optimal influence.
By learning self-hypnosis you are able to become a non-judgmental witness, to your own internal processes. You will take charge and discover that hypnosis actually offers you more control rather than less. You will be able to enter your intended trance state safely and by choice, practice new patterns, and strengthen current abilities. With regular practice you find that over time your chosen skills, your self esteem, confidence and performance levels soar.
With special thanks to my friend and mentor, Stuart Chappell